George Lois and the infamous Esquire covers

Amazingly creative yet controversial for his time, George Lois is also famous for his covers for Esquire, which are and will remain examples of courage, cultural change and innovation. He is…

The Rose T-shirt Design

Cool t-shirt of the day #88

A little change of pace and style, after all the cute t-shirt of the day designs from LaFraise or Threadless. This intricate skull design is from La Muerta, “a company…

New "Made" artist on Threadless – Katie Campbell

Katie Campbell is an always smiling graphic designer and illustrator based in Savannah, Georgia. Whether designing an event poster in Photoshop or using ketchup to create custom type, Katie enjoys exploring…

Brand new t-shirt designs from Almaic

Today’s cultural bit of information comes straight from Almaic (click here for a refresher on the t-shirt line), who brings you two brand new t-shirt designs. Brand new t-shirt designs…