Bold Star Wars Typography Posters

Star Wars Typography Posters in sync with 2018 design trends I bet you noticed that one of the most praised design trends for the year is keen on typo: daring…

Going viral: Pop Culture Typography

Pop Culture Typography Three words that trigger instant nostalgia: pop culture typography. When I saw the title I immediately thought about The Simpsons, Star Wars, The Godfather, Harry Potter, Coca…

Must-have book for designers: Los Logos 8

Los Logos 8 We’ve talked about illustration and graphic styles plenty. Let’s turn out attention towards another favorite design manifestation of mine: logos. I find them to be a very…

2018 Shutterstock Creative Trends

Shutterstock’s Creative trends for 2018 Let’s properly start the New Year, by sensibly building your creative approach. Before you get down to business, you should review the trends. I know!…

January Cotton Bureau Design Challenge

Cotton Bureau Design Challenge: CITY Cotton Bureau is a good opportunity for talented designers that lean more towards the minimalist style to get their work out there and earn some…

Chermayeff & Geismar: 60 years of logos

Honoring Chermayeff & Geismar: 60 years of logos This year, the world of logo design has lost one of its most prominent representatives, Ivan Chermayeff. In the odd case you don’t…