Lady Gaga t-shirts were born this way

After Michael Jackson died, they didn’t think that another artist could level-up. Well, the impossible happened. Some other young artist broke the ice. You already know that this artist is…

T shirt art, my horse!

Here’s the thing, when I fist heard about t-shirts with horses printed on them, I wasn’t so thrilled. And it’s not because I don’t like horses. In fact, I happen…

T-shirt designs for rainy days

I don’t know how’s the weather on your country, but here it was all rainy and all cloudy for a lot of days.  Spring didn’t seam to want to come…

Hand drawn websites !

We all know that hand-made is at its best. If a few years ago they didn’t care all that much about hand drawn or hand-made things, now this is almost…

Hope for Japan graphics

We all know what Japan is being facing for the last month. It’s all very tragic and there is no doubt about it. Every media channel there is has been…

Science t shirts ! ! !

About science t shirts, what can we say is that the idea first came to our minds when we saw Google personalizing its front image with some science gadgets images. We…

Vintage Magazine Covers – The Shadow

I don’t know about you guys, but I like the old days. Who’s been reading this blog for some time now, has been noticing that I absolutely adore the old…