We all know what Japan is being facing for the last month. It’s all very tragic and there is no doubt about it. Every media channel there is has been broadcasting about what is happening in this God forgotten country. It’s like God is giving us a sign that our ways are not alright. Well, we know that Japanese people are anything but Christians, but whatever you call Him, you refer to the same person.
We don’t want to talk Religion or anything of a kind, because we arn’t no experts in the field. As you know are graphic artists and we absolutely love graphic design. So, when you found out about Japan disaster, we where touched. Not only we where touched, but other graphic designers as well, so they did put up with a project.
We found a really interesting article at our friends from Vector Tuts + blog, that we wanted to promote and this article because it is quite interesting and useful. Plus, we care, so this message should be forwarded by everybody.
What is this all about? Well, as we said before, a group of graphic designers put together some special Japan graphics specially created for the earthquake that destroyed Japan. As we said, for mmore info, please visit the link from our fellows from Vector Tuts +.

Threadless are also helping out as can be seen here… http://cooltshirtdesign.co.uk/featured-tshirts/rebuild-japan-tshirt/
Thanks for your comments, guys. The designs are not ours, we only support this movement, because, let’s admit it, this is very cool!