After Michael Jackson died, they didn’t think that another artist could level-up. Well, the impossible happened. Some other young artist broke the ice. You already know that this artist is Lady Gaga. Since she entered the music market, she’s been an absolute blast and convinced the audience that she is worth a while. So, she knocked-out every chart in the US and in Europe too.
The thing about artists is that they sell about anything, besides music. They sell caps, posters, t-shirts, everything. You know that all we care about in this particular area is the t-shirt business. And they also did Gaga t-shirts. How could they not? And the thing is that the t-shirts actually look pretty nice. I personally think that t-shirts are the best ways to promote yourself. Not that Gaga needs that, but in this case, the fans need it.
The actual t-shirts look pretty good, because they are not all plain photos of Gaga, as you might expect. You find fine typography and cute graphics, cartoons that resemble to Gaga and everything of the kind.
Lady Gaga t shirts:

haha, I really like Gaga because she is so wild!