ClogTwo art from illustrator Eman Raharno

Eman Jeman aka ClogTwo is a a Singapore-based artist/illustrator, passionate about graffiti and fine arts. He graduated from Temasek Polytechnic Design School with a Diploma in Interactive Media Design. He…

50 examples of impressive geometric illustration

Geometric illustration Geometric illustration (or polygon illustration) require a lot of imagination but so much more patience and skill, not to mention attention. It is amazing how organic such straight, raw…

Andrew Groves art prints

Andrew Groves has some of the most interesting designs I’ve seen lately while browsing portfolios for great artist to feature and promote on the blog. We like to highlight anyone…

Tad Carpenter illustrations

I  say let's take a short break from the lovely t-shirts that we see all the time and let's focus on an illustrator that has been on my mind for…

Gaunty interview for Tshirt Factory Blog

Those of you that stalk us on Facebook remember that they’ve already been threatened with this interview from Gaunty (Colin Gauntlett) who is an amazing illustrator and gave us a crazy cool…