Kapo Clothing is rather new, born in 2010 in the bedroom of creative designer Victor Lau after some silkscreen classes. With enough imagination and dedication he raised the brand to an international level, along with a group of very dedicated friends and professionals.
Touched by immigrant sensibilities, Kapo Clothing give us a range of 6 t-shirts, each with a story of their own. It is what I particularly appreciated about this whole line – the concept, the story that made you really understand and love the graphics. I mean a farting llama on a Peruvian t-shirt takes another meaning when you read the little stories they have for you. Each design is linked to something specific to Peru and takes the experience of a t-shirt design to a different level.
Another thing that sets this brand apart from the others is the fabric it uses – Peruvian cotton which is one of the softest there is.
I recommend you check out “Llama Love” and “This is love” for both the designs and the background stories. The cultural and historic aspects will surely satisfy all the knowledgeable enthusiasts who are really passionate about their t-shirt collection.
You can also find Victor Lau and news about Kapo Clothing on Facebook and Twitter as well, where you can leave all your thoughts about this cool t-shirt line.