Cool t-shirt design #73

The presentation of the graphic t-shirt is pretty interesting and I love the simplicity of the design – makes me think of Rorschach tests and its complexities. Paradoxical, no? This…

Threadless Select line SALE

Threadless put together an exclusive t-shirt line with designs created by the community and curated by the fine people keep this fine project going, called Select – and I am…

Take me to the moon, Uchuusen !

It touches upon your childhood dreams of becoming an astronaut and brings us a full line of premium t-shirts with extraterrestrial influences. The pictures are “inspired and derived from commercial artist…

Gordon Holden and the honest art

I will tell you from the beginning that with Gordon, you are in for some surprises, some art, some things you will like and others you definitely won’t. But overall…

Bandwagon ironic cool t-shirt ! ! !

Floyd from Bandwagon shirts has contacted us to let us know about this cool t-shirt especially designed, it seems, for basketball fans who are rooting for the Clippers. Quite ironic…