I found some really interesting prints for a comfy t-shirt that you can wear to a party or in the park, basically anywhere, with a fresh attitude.
The site in question is http://www.designerscounty.com and they have a variety of prints that go really well on t-shirts. And you can also submit designs you have made yourself and if they really like it, then they will print it – be thought provoking, thrilling and, of course, original. Apart from the fame and recognition you will also receive a financial reward. For more details you can go here.
Apart from promoting nice art prints they are also encouraging the design industry into creating something different. Check out some of my favourites and browse for more to find the ones you like, as well.
And do not hesitate to read the blog, as they have some really insightful information, like how to start a t-shirt company.
Perfect t-shirt prints and design submission site

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