Typography, once considered a great art reserved to only those schooled in its spirit, has become something that anyone does. That is possible because of digital art, which made graffiti artists, illustrators, graphic designers, comic book artists and many more employ it in the most various of ways. The downside is that it’s truly a difficult art to create very special typography because it all has to fit in – alignment, context, simetry, proximity, contrast or lack of these, respectively.
In theory it may sound simple but typography is a skill that consists of knowing exactly the concept behind what words are saying. The message is not in the words themselves but in the image they create as a whole. The purpose for which they are used is most important and sets the designs as a sophisticated one or as just another example of kitsch. Typography is everywhere and only the ones with a fine eye for detail are masters at it:
Typography designs:

I really enjoy the DIY typography design. Really cool!