Graphic designers have always loved surrealism images, because they have a way in triggering your imagination and making you think further in the future. Surrealism graphic images are a combination of the old and the new… It is kinda odd, if you think about it, but this is the way I see is, and I am sure, this is the way it really is. In the book, they say that surrealism graphic images are a combination of a personal reflection of the artist, imaginary and a lot of fantasy. I tend to agree with this statement as well. The thing about surrealism is that it is not precise – you cannot give a sure definition of it.
The first one ever to be creating this kind of images was master Salvador Dali, when he illustrated Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. For this piece of art, he was commissioned by the Italian Government. But, other great surrealism painters were Miro and Picasso as well. We cannot deny the influence of classics in this area. Because they are the reason why today modern graphic artists exist. The new is kind of a revival of the old methods and ways.
Today we have vectors. Today we have computers and Adobe Illustrator (for example). Today we have young men and women who love to create digital art, especially if we are talking about surrealistic images that remind us of Alice in Wonderland and Tim Burton’s masterpiece movies. It is all about imagination, about art and about a sense of style that not everyone understands and appreciates. Even so, surrealistic images are in the liking of Tshirt-Factory team, as you can see from our tee designs.

This form of art usually are dream-like and can be interpreted through drawings and illustrations. It takes us to a different approach apart from reality through symbols and puzzles. What’s interesting about surreal art is its hidden messages and symbolic meaning that you need to decipher to be able to understand the intention of the artist.
So without further ado, here’s a collection of 30 fascinating surreal illustrations that will surely take your breath away. Dare to see the twisted world of surrealism as you look into these mind blowing concepts. Enjoy!
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