Fresh new t shirt prints from Threadless

Threadless have come with some new seasonal t shirt prints that are extremely suitable for hoodies, especially because that’ s what most of us will buy in November. They have…

Inspiring graphics of the day

Today’s inspiring graphics seem to be all nature oriented, maybe because it is one of the most usual sources of inspiration. Especially because it has a beauty that has so…

The Muppets t shirt craze

Sometimes we are skeptical about popular trends, irrespective of the business they manifest themselves in. This sometimes happens for the graphic design or t shirt printing business. Lately I’ve seen…

Inspiring graphics of the day

Today’s inspiring graphics of the day come from 5 very different people that couldn’t be more opposite in styles. We’ll show them to you in random order because all of…


Inspiring graphics of the day

Because there are so many talents out there and such great sources of inspiration that we come across every day, we decided to introduce another section on our blog called Inspiring…