It is widely known that you should not judge a book by its cover. I tend to agree with that statement but today I would beg to differ. You will understand why after you see these deeply creative book cover designs of famous novels that manage to capture the strength and essence of the novels’ content. As a matter of fact our temporary shallowness is in favor of the books in the end.
Some of them are so minimalist yet overwhelming at the same time – when you manage to make these two attributes comply with each other it means you have created something unique. It is widely known that it is difficult to create great book cover designs, because it has to encompass everything the book is about on a relatively small area without suffocating or confusing the reader. In my opinion, logos are the single more difficult things to design compared to covers (for books, music albums or anything else you can think of). Speaking as an passionate book reader, I would just love to have all of these books in my library just because of the cover illustrators – isn’t that a paradox?
The illustrators that created the following designs are experienced ones and apparently highly acquainted with the themes of the book, the impact they had across time and the public’s general perception of them.

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