BeastWreck proclaim themselves saviors of humanity from really bad, sucky art that we digest each day.They talk about “hipsterism” like it’s a cruel disease and they have the antidote. Their monster designs are especially targeted artwork that is a heaven for those enthused by pop, pulp, rock, and retro, have a special penchant for cartoons, horror movies, sci-fi, fantasy, heavy metal, real american heroes, comic books, sugary breakfast cereals, rock ‘n’ roll, robots in disguise, giant monsters, space opera, wild animals, pirates, ninjas, vikings, cowboys and Indians, and time travel! Basically you have the best things in the world printed on stickers, t-shirt, or buttons. What more can you ask for? They have great style of detail, great prices, they are down to earth, you can find them on Rumplo, their blog and site. Everything you need!

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