Haya! Let me have the pleasure to introduce you today the work of a great artist.He is Cristiano Siqueira and people calls him CrisVector too. He is an Illustrator from Sao Paulo , Brazil, specialized in digital and vector illustration: fuses vectors, 3-D and Photoshop together to create his distinct pictures. His website is a showcase of his personal production and some works done for various clients around the world.
“The best part is the illustration itself. I simply love to draw, paint and turn ideas and texts to images. Being an illustrator has been a dream for me, since my early years! “(Cristiano Siqueira). As you can see from his words crisvector is deeply dedicate to his work and his work is amazing,that’s why we appreciate and love him.
A very appreciate work of him is cat woman as a magician but the others are not to be forgotten too.Enjoy it!

Crisvector is advising the young illustrators:
“Try to know the industry very well, drive your work to be original, learn to read and understand the contracts and charges, and enhance your work. For people that see my work as inspiration, well I must say a big thank you and I hope to never disappoint you!” ….
“Don’t worry about the time, you can get faster as you get more practice. Just keep the quality of the work as your target.”
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