There are few brands that have started off based on a concept or with a real reason and not a pretext they theatrically boast about. Very few such entrepreneurs follow their initial admirable goals of spreading beauty, inspiration, fighting apathy and pledging loyalty to hope. Among those few is Enthos t-shirt apparel that has been in this business for a long time, and is headed by David Salinas.
He is an illustrator with over 10 years of graphic design experience who studied Fine Art and Design at the University of Texas Pan American. He is a guy that listens to Sufjan Stevens, read The pursuit of God, loved The Royal Tenenbaums, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and Magnolia. If you have managed to recreate a picture of his person and how he would look like, try to compare that with his designs. They reflect his personality perfectly. They have the same lack of futility as he does. And that’s a rare thing.

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