Yes, we know that 2011 is about to blow in our faces and the t-shirts I am going to talk about are like old fashion by now, it really doesn’t matter, coz you know me, I like the old… You know what they say? If you want to get to know the future, be sure to know the past first. The answer to this one is pretty simple, everything repeats itself, and this is a fact.
Returning to the most important subject, the t-shirts. Well, the crazy t shirts are these, at least this says an important website:

Ok, as much as I am trying to see the controversial and offensive out of this t-shirt, at some of them, I just cannot see.
Buuut, the t-shirt that made me angry and made me think that the people creating this t-shirt must be really sad is the No Homo one. There is a lot of hate regarding the gay people, in the world, and this has got to stop in order to have a civilized society. Also, the t-shirt with the rape victim is very touching and I can see the point of the creator, although, I kinda know the whole collection, and it becomes more and more offensive by each t-shirt.
The rest, I simply don’t get. Why so controversial? It seams to me like any other t-shirt… but, hey? If the guys say the t-shirts are controversial, I must be some kinda of devil, not being able to see the controversy… Most of the t-shirts here I happen to like… besides those mentioned earlier. Well, that’s that…
The chosen list of controversial t shirts are like the other ones, what is so controversial about them.This summers is the season of t shirts and i am loving to have a bunch of them this season in my wardrobe. I started my shopping for t shirts from PROJECT IRIS- a place for cool women’s short sleeve t shirts and for being part of charity also- WORLD FOOD PROGRAM- they are associated with to help women and children.