You can find Jack Nickerson on pe Behance. He is an amazing illustrator from Vancouver, British Columbia.He’s in the business for at least eight years and specializes in character design, editorials and product design video games.
What led him to become an illustrator was his inclination for the arts since he was very young. Feeling the direction this will take in the future, he focused on the digital art, remaining a devotee of Adobe Illustrator.
What encouraged him, and the thing that he still prefers until this day, is the feedback you get from other important and respected artists. To be recognized by other in your field or have a fan base takes years to build up; these things require dedication and time, and especially patience , while enjoying the work you are providing. He is especially irritated by those who fail to step up their game and choose to criticize the work of others, rather than create it themselves.
He admits having difficulties in creating logos, especially because they compel him to limit the whole idea of a company to single design.
For inspiration he send us to Behance, and BloodSweatVector. His experience says that designers are naïve and ridiculous when they consider themselves celebrities. No matter how well you draw, it won’t save anyone.

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