T-shirt Lines

Vespertine Machine rock some awesome t-shirts

By Oana

July 26, 2012

Formerly known as Dress Royale and focusing on the consumerist aspect of society, Vespertine Machine create t-shirts to remind you that life is more different than you are led to believe. No matter how strong our will, we get influenced by the greed that will throw us in the routine we all know and love to hate!

The satire you see on their t-shirts entertains you and it will go way beyond that. They are also involved in film and music! The artistic quality they possess is quite clear when having a look at their Lookbook – very natural pictures, the presentation is very clear, as is the site, while the graphics are as strong as they are simple. They are nothing less of an eye-opener for those who stopped wondering and are going with the wave.

The name of the brand (“vespertine” means occurring in the evening) also hints at the transition they are undergoing by focusing their design themes on “night adventures and mischief”. So be on the lookout for that!

The t-shirts are printed on American Apparel – you can pick from unisex crew necks, tank tops and crop tops for the ladies.

And if you are interested in their collaborations with filmmakers and musicians, check out the partners section of the site. Thus, unsurprisingly, you will also have a lot to look for on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

You will consume
You will consume
100th Monkey
Vespertine Machine – Premium Streetwear