T-shirt Lines

TwinSrpnt become Twin Serpents

By Oana

September 11, 2012

TwinSrpnt is a small indie clothing brand created by two brothers, both of them passionate about myths, art and – you guessed it – serpents!

In time they must have come across some small issues because of their name and decided to change it into Twin Serpents, as it makes it much easier for people to pronounce and not mistaken them for Twin Spirit or some other names.

Adding to that, they are also on the point of bringing forward for sale six new designs. In order to make them available in their shop, though, they will need a little bit of your help. To materialize a really well put together project and make an impact on the industry, they will need some financial input from us. Even if you decide not to contribute, get to know them and check out their styles and designs.

If they don’t top the necessary funds the t-shirts will never be printed and if they get more than needed, the money will go to bringing even more products to the public, signed Twin Serpents. The designs that will come out of this project are printed only once, so when the stock is out – that is it! There are many details about this cool project so be sure to check them out here, on Kickstarter, of course!

TwinSrpnt become Twin Serpents !

Here are the designs they intend to put out, once the project is financed:

Twin Serpents indie clothing

You can also visit their old site, where you can see the designs they have for sale at the moment:
