Shocking illustrations offer a perspective on world problems
There’s good and bad coming along with evolution and tech advances. You can’t have something useful without it developing a bad aspect. It seems like the natural course of things. We all hate that, but somehow we always end up with bad consequences of honorable actions.
Similarly, the internet is defined by an age of sharing and overexposure.
This is a blog that focuses on graphics design and illustration. For this reason, we turned our attention towards designers and illustrators that capture some disappointing parts of today’s life. They are no masochists and we’re not reviving the emo trend.
Showcasing these perspectives are a wake up call, a cold shower, a red flag about the direction we’re heading for, as a society.
Freedom of speech, the great access to information, as well as the unbelievable speed to directly communicate anything paved the way for some anomalies. The following artists have imagined them in their own original ways. Photographers, graphic designers and illustrators show us the misunderstandings, the misconceptions and the exaggerations of our daily lives.
Naturally, all these series have gone viral at some point in time. Therefore, some may seem familiar to you. In short, they refer to the selective reality of social media photos, political issues, unreal expectation of touristic attractions, smartphone addiction and many other unsettling world problems.
Click the images to see more from these artists.

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