25% off on EVERYTHING at DesignbyHumans

Head over to DesignbyHumans where you will get 25% off on t-shirt designs on the site, using the coupon code SPRING13! Pretty intense week of discounts for both DesignbyHumans and…

Cool graphic #82

Today I have a very simple yet representative cool graphic of how your brain looks like, based on your creative and logical sides. Look really well on hoddies too because…

Cute food t-shirt designs

It’s lunch time for us here, so it seems I can’t manage to see anything else than food t-shirt designs that are mighty cute, especially the ones from Goodjoe.com. It…

Andrew Groves art prints

Andrew Groves has some of the most interesting designs I’ve seen lately while browsing portfolios for great artist to feature and promote on the blog. We like to highlight anyone…

Cool t shirt #45 lets us panic

If the Manic Monday song is playing in your head as well, match it with this Keep calm meme twist from Threadless, that all of us can understand: you can…

Cool t shirt #38

This very cool t shirt design comes from Threadless and is the result of a successful collaboration between by Wayne Struwig and Andrew G. Hobbs. You can buy it as a hoodie as well…

Cool t shirt design #34

We’ve all been there so why not have a  cool t shirt award for that to acknowledge all the great, amazing and awesome merits that exaggerators offer to the world?…