Where have these great brands been hiding?
I got an email from Lutz from NATRI, which is a graphic and Berlin based t-shirt line and fashion brand, that made me love its composition of simple geometry. The current t-shirt collection is about minimal, geometric and typographic design. The whole presentation is a focus on the designs and I always admired brands that included an HD video presentation, like this one:
All graphics are silkscreen printed with Pantone colors on sweatshop-free, unisex t-shirts in a limited edition. If you think the price is a little too much, take into consideration the quality of the t-shirt blanks (fair trade Continental Clothing), so your money are well spent. But if you need a stronger incentive, use our discount code “tshirtfactory” to get 20% off – from July 16th till July 28th! You have no excuse now :

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