The Macmillan 2017 illustration contest
I believe that bringing a child’s story to life with the help of illustration is one of the most difficult things in a graphic designer’s life, or an illustrator’s, for that matter.
Just because the stories are for the young mind of naïve children, it doesn’t mean that the work going into imagining the key moments is easy. On the contrary. You are responsible with shaping and molding the imagination of children. Probably stimulating it so far as to helping them become a creative adult.
I remember many of my childhood’s books and stories because of the drawings. Some of them left a strong mark on how I later saw the world, most importantly what I wished it to be. The images showed me things that the words failed to render. Or possibly conceal.
For 32 years MacMillan Children’s Books aims to reward all talented students that manage to perfectly merge words and text, providing a memorable and distinctive representation of the story’s key points. The MacMillan Prize 2017 is the perfect opportunity for illustrators in art school to jump start their professional carriers.
There will be three winners, with a grand prize of £1000, and other two of £500 and £250 respectively.
You can create an original story or include the text of traditional fairy tales. But it is important for it not to be copyrighted. Especially relevant is the composition. Most of all the illustration needs to be meaningful and powerful enough to render the atmosphere of the story.
There is a detailed outline of the requirements is available on the official page. The deadline is April 20th.
Therefore, if you qualify and have a passion for illustration and storytelling, this illustration contest is your golden ticket!
Below you can see the works of the 2015 and 2016 winners, Shu-Ti Liao with Adventure at Night and Grace Suen with Hide and Seek:

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