Who ever did not hear about Happy Tree Friends? I do not think there is a single person on the face of the Earth that did not hear about those guys. In this manner of speaking, we will all be satisfied to know that nowadays they make t-shirts with
this characters. Why people love the Happy Tree Friends? Because they are sadistic and cruel at the end of the day, and mankind has an urge for cruelty as a race. It’s some kind of contradiction between the cuteness of the characters and the way the show ends every single episode.
Yesterday, even Google was celebrating the big success of the show an was posting a cool image right next to the search bar. This is proof that the show is very well known all around.
Everything started in 1998, when the flash experts from Mondo Mini Shows decided to reveal another face of cartoons and invent something that the world has never seen before. This is also proof that the Happy Tree Friends is not a cartoon for kids, is kinda of a cartoon meant for adults. Therefore, the t-shirts revolving this subjects are also for adults, because every single design is as cruel as can be. We strongly appreciate the work that the guys from Mondo Mini Studious done and we thank them for upgrading the cartoon industry.
In the Happy Tree Friends show there is less dialogue, but, one way or another people understand the action itself. Well, let’s give a big praise to Happy Tree Friends and some great cartoon t shirts ideas !
