H1GH R0Y@LTY Clothing is a lot easier to read than write but it makes so much sense when you see it. Because your brain perceives the perspective and not the letters individually. That is kind of the same way this rather new t-shirt line builds itself. When you take a step back and look at it, everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be.
Frank Dominguez, the founder of H1GH R0Y@LTY Clothing is doing what everyone without a snob complex is trying to manage. Forget about the big brands like Gucci, Vuitton and such! Too few manage to put a face to the big brand – it’s all excessive spending and pretentious names. Instead, here is a line that represents the people and their day-to-day lifestyle. And the name, besides its playful use of symbols, is meant to stand for overcoming adversity – H1GH – and respect – RoY@LTY. You, a person among many others, should be entitled to all good things and should be able to offer them yourself to the world.
The designs are a statement of positivity because this is what these t-shirts are made for – feeling free. H1GH R0Y@LTY Clothing is here to help you with that by bringing some colorful graphics and a laid back attitude.
The 100% cotton t-shirts are available through Bigcartel and retail at a very cool price of $25. You can also contact Frank to send him some feedback. Feel free to check out his Facebook and Twitter accounts as well, as he keeps updating them constantly. Keep in mind that they are at the beginning so, constructive criticism is always welcomed! I, for one, really like The Elite Hoodie.
Here’s a snippet of H1GH R0Y@LTY Clothing t-shirt line:

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