Yes Sir, I’m a rocker and yes Sir, I wear rocker t-shirts. Therefore, I must love them and enjoy to write about them. How should I explain better, the rocker t-shirt have been here for a very long time and the industry is evolving as the rock bands appear. As I said, the tees have been here for a very long time, since the Beatles, Queen or even punk-rock band Sex Pistols.

The designs for rock tees have always been like they’re from the Hell itself. Skulls, gothic typography and mythological creatures. All for the bad-ass look of a rock band. Some tend to go around the idea of drugs, sex and alcohol, and these are mostly the punk-rock bands. It all depends on the style of rock that they sing, after all. The thing about this kind of t-shirts is that they give you personality and make you look stronger and (in case you are a man) manlier. Of course, being a rock girl has it’s advantages itself, regarding the fact that rock chicks were always considered sexier. Of course, what you wear is entirely up to you, but, one can not deny the greatness of old rock t shirts.
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