Cool T-shirts

Camouflage T-shirts and Camouflage Ice Cream

By Bianca

November 10, 2014

It’s funny how every time a pattern trends for more than a year, its usability expands. Today I ran across some peculiar news which I don’t know how to categorise : “Fashion sweets were about to happen since we have now 3d printed candies” or “Yey! My favourite desert met my favourite print and they decided to have kids”.

In case you are wondering what I’m talking about, Baskin Robbins introduced the world to the First Class Camouflage Ice Cream. How does it taste like? Like chocolate, salty caramel, cake flavoured ice creams and a big scoop of dopeness. Yum!

To celebrate the news, and to cope with the idea that between me and that ice cream are a couple of thousands of kilometres, I took an ice cream cone from the fridge and looked all over the internet for camouflage t-shirts from some of the bigger streetwear brand.

Camouflage T-shirts and Camouflage Ice Cream




Diamond Supply Co.


A Bathing Ape

Camouflage Ice Cream

And let’s not forget the ice cream that got me so excited. If you guys are lucky enough to live near Baskin Robbins, please go, buy one and tell me it’s awful so that I’ll feel better. Thanks!