All the respect for AtomicChild!He is one of those artists that you never get bored looking and admiring his work.He has been drawing on everything since he was a little kid. While in school he would constantly get in trouble for doodling all over everyone assignments. AtomicChild decided that college was his chance to get away from the small farm he grew up on. Once he graduated college he was burning the midnight oil doing editorial illustrations for newspapers and magazines across the United States. Three years later he discovered T shirt design and the rest is in the making. AtomicChild has designed t shirts and hats for websites large and small and bands on the top 40 and ones that are working their way up it.
“It has been really challenging and really freeing to do my own thing and draw all day. I love it and would not change it for anything and can’t wait to see what the future brings. “(Atomic Child)

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