Telos Clothing – Printing graphic tees with a Purpose

Telos is an ethically conscious graphic tee line that provides direct and gainful employment to survivors of commercial sexual exploitation in Bangkok, Thailand. The founders, one of them being Colin Kiser, are striving to make a difference in this world and the fashion industry one shirt at a time.

Telos is working with  partner organization, Nightlight International, that provides women with gainful employment in order to avoid sexual exploitation as a result of social, family, personal and cultural issues.

The great news is that Telos is about to launch their graphic tee line and a Kickstarter campaign in Mid-September which will be of great support to both their project as well as many women living under opression in Thailand. Even if this will help one person it is still worth your time. So, sign up to find out when their Kickstarter campaign is live and chip in.

graphic tees

graphic tees

graphic tees

graphic tees


graphic tees


graphic tee graphic tee Screen Shot 2014-08-27 at 12.01.21 AM Screen Shot 2014-08-28 at 1.10.42 PM