Freelance Illustrator Mat Miller

  Mat Miller is an illustrator and artist from Bristol, UK. He has attended the University of Huddersfield as a graphic design student and is now a full time freelance illustrator. He’s…

Andrew Fairclough and his Kindred Studio

 Andrew Fairclough Illustrator – T-Shirt Factory Our daily inspirational post is about Andrew Fairclough a Sydney based Illustrator , who is also the art director of Kindred Studio . Today…

Book Illustrations by Laura Wood

Interesting and Funny Book Illustrations Are you a fan of Book Illustrations ? Well, meet Laura Wood , an independent illustrator born in Italy but living between Melbourne, Bristol and Milan. She spends her days…

Doodle Art related by KERBY ROSANES

Doodle art and Kerby Rosanes Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes works mainly with ordinary black pens to magically illustrate his “doodle art” world. The 23-year old artist considers his art as…

graphite illustration

Graphite Illustration by Brian Cook

Graphite Illustration by Brian Cook Graphite Illustration at Threadless . Watch this graphite illustration which is more a video tutorial for all with a passion for Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel or you…