We are proud to present you one of the freshest t shirt brands out there who want to make a difference and play a game of perspectives with you. Australia gives us the blackeye line that come with a very original concept, which makes use of minimalistic highlights.
Glenn, who is in charge of the project, is one of those people that I admire for their courage to give up their job and follow their dream. Yeah, that kind of person that you know does it out of passion.
The concept he surprised me with is that the black designs have one very bright color standing out. Making an impact is what blackeye is aiming for and the t-shirts have managed to do just that. Showing us that perception is everything, he uses ironic and funny illustrations to help us see through his eyes. Now we really understand what the artist meant, right?
Blackeye t-shirt line !

As I love sarcasm and quality t-shirts, his line made a positive impact and I’m glad he is featured here. I must say “Trapped”, “Money talks” and “Piss off” are my favorites.
The t-shirt line is just at the beginning but it’s a very promising one and I wish Glenn a successful future, because there is originality to be appreciated here.
Visit his “vending machine” for the t-shirts, follow him on Facebook for the latest updates and twit your impressions here.
What do you think of the presentation?