I was so happy to see this line of literature t shirts that I was this close to purchasing one if it weren’t a little bit too pricey for me. But don’t let me discourage you – the graphics are just great for the novels they portray, courtesy of TruffleShuffle. I’m sure they will appeal to all of you that enjoyed at least one book in your life which you still remember quotes from. Even if that is not the case, this could make for a pretty awesome geeky chick magnet. Just have have a quick look on Cliffnotes before you get into it – you might have to pick a favourite character:).
Altogether the t-shirts are to everyone’s taste, especially a Clockwork Orange or Animal Farm, because of the vintage style that remind you of used books. It’s just a really fun way to celebrate literature in fashion. Have a look in the “Out of Print” section!