I think by now everyone is aware of the fact that neon colors have taken over the world and want us to believe everyone is in the ’80s dressed like they were in a constant rave party! But it’s cool, cause summer needs brighter colors and we don’t mind seeing that bronzed skin from under neon greens and pinks.
Antisparkle sensed this fashion trend and have come out with a few t-shirts and designs that play with these amazing shades. Not only that but they also feature some accessories in their shop like earrings, necklaces, rings and even tote bags – so from just a couple of designs they branched out and are offering a lot of fun stuff.
It is crazy to wear such colors on your t-shirts but it is impossible not to get into the summery mood with these clothes. And they kept their simple style by promoting the attitude of “Less is more”.
Antisparkle release summer line t-shirts full of neon colors