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Hilariously creative 404 pages to lighten up the mood

10 creative 404 pages that turn irritation into laughter

You need to see this asap!

These are the funniest thing I’ve come across today. It’s not apparel or accessories. Nor is it any type of physical product. The following illustrations were created for the irritating moment when you hit a 404-error on a site. You know the feeling, we’ve all been there. It’s not usually pretty. But with these hilarious takes on a broken connection, life on the internet is a lot more bearable.

There is a set of such 10 illustrations for the famous error. It features a naked lady, some bad karma, very strange mash-ups of some sort of creatures, a robot, am astronaut, a guy in the desert and a bunny chewing on your cable. To be honest, they’re absolutely hilarious and guarantee to turn any awkward situation into a surprising smile. In reality, the choice for such a page will actually say a lot about the site or brand behind it. A sense of humor and a unique approach towards design is always appreciated. Not to mention that it’s the perfect kind of joke to share with friends, on social networks.

These illustrations will definitely be an image boost for you or your client’s site. This is especially a good idea because they are all part of a promotional bundle with a price of $15, courtesy of GraphicLoot.

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